Design Brief

The prompt for this project was to create a brochure guide and an app layout for a certain topic of our choosing. This topic could be things like coffee shops, golf courses, surf spots, or anything that we were inspired by or enjoyed doing. The brochure aspect of this project required a few different elements. It had to captain a title and back cover, a map and key,  and a review section, everything else was up to artistic preference. The app portion of this project was to create a step-by-step grid system that would illustrate how an app about the chosen topic would look. It had to incorporate similar elements to the brochure but modified to fit a screen. ​​​​​​​

Design Process

I had a few different ideas for this project, but the hut idea stood out most to me because of all the time I have spent working with them. Not many people know what this type of hut is and what it is used for, so I wanted to spread awareness and create something beautiful. I started out by doing research on each of the huts, things like capacity, elevation, placement, and more. After that, I moved into the design phase where I began to develop icons and a map. The color scheme was chosen to resemble these huts in the snow. The headliner typeface I used, Pulpo Rust, is also meant to resemble this sort of beat up rusted style that the huts face in the brutal winter months. ​​​​​​​

Hand Sketches

Computer Sketches

Color and Font Exploration

App Design Layout

Final Applications


Song Broadside


Coral Decline Infographic